Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…

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Omer Arbel: Canadian House of Lies
“I don’t share architecture and object design. These are different facets of one creative whole, ”says Omer Arbel about the project of a family home near Vancouver.The path of Omer…


How to make a three-piece from a dvushka: redevelopment of a 2-room apartment in a new building
We want to share with you the story of two twin apartments. These were two objects clad in concrete, which changed their owners at the repair stage, their status and…

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Out of fashion: How yesterday's trends evolve
The abundance of beautiful interiors in the network plays with us a cruel joke - even favorite styles are boring even earlier than it comes to repair. And although we…


table lamp with

Furniture for the smallest: how to choose the playpen in the nursery
The playpen is an essential attribute of the interior of a room for a small child. SuperDom will tell you how to choose the playpen in the nursery. How to…


Studio apartment: how to zone the space
Studio apartments have become very popular lately. Especially they are convenient for one person. But that's bad luck - such apartments have only one room, which during the repair must…
