Japanese beauty: how to decorate the interior in the style of wabi-sabi
If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and strive for a quiet and serene life, then look at the Japanese style wabi-sabi. SuperDom will tell you what its…

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Interior design: fashion trends in 2019
The approach to the design of living space has become very balanced in recent years. Familiarity with global trends has drawn the attention of consumers to convenience, environmental friendliness and…


Bedroom design
In every home there should be a place where a person can rest, sleep and abstract from the outside world. It is under this description fits bedroom. Here you can…

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Everything you wanted to know about trends in interior design: an interview with the founders of Brick-Brot Studio
It is necessary to approach interior design with full responsibility, because every detail matters. The editors WANT is interested in trends in this direction. On the Internet there are a…


Perfectly fit

Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…


Greek style in the interior
The history of the Greek, or rather, the ancient Greek style in the interior and architecture dates back 3 thousand years ago. In those days, the ancient Greeks firmly linked…
