How to choose and what you should pay attention to when designing an office interior?
An office is a place where, if you count, many people spend most of their time. Modern research has shown that the success of a company, its income and success…

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Main trends of the Milan exhibition
Traditionally, the Milan furniture salon collects in this world-famous city with its fashionable events the most diverse public. Among the visitors of the exhibition one can meet both eminent designers,…


Omer Arbel: Canadian House of Lies
“I don’t share architecture and object design. These are different facets of one creative whole, ”says Omer Arbel about the project of a family home near Vancouver.The path of Omer…

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Greek style in the interior
The history of the Greek, or rather, the ancient Greek style in the interior and architecture dates back 3 thousand years ago. In those days, the ancient Greeks firmly linked…


of these rooms

What is shebbi-chic or why is “battered luxury” so popular in the interior?

Design does not stand still – every year interior styles are improved, new images are created, new technologies are used and old directions are mixed. For the past few years, a certain Shabby-chic has been popular, which in English translates as “battered luxury”.

Shabby chic appeared not so long ago and was used for a long time to denote hand-made techniques. The founder of the style is Rachel Ashevell – it was she who about 20 years ago was able to create her own unique interior, which had characteristic negligence and at the same time, looked rich, luxurious and not fancy. Continue reading

Greek style in the interior
The history of the Greek, or rather, the ancient Greek style in the interior and architecture dates back 3 thousand years ago. In those days, the ancient Greeks firmly linked…


Furniture for the smallest: how to choose the playpen in the nursery
The playpen is an essential attribute of the interior of a room for a small child. SuperDom will tell you how to choose the playpen in the nursery. How to…
