Studio apartment: how to zone the space
Studio apartments have become very popular lately. Especially they are convenient for one person. But that's bad luck - such apartments have only one room, which during the repair must…

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Style postmodernism in the interior
The rejection of the stereotypical ideas of the classics, with the compatibility of all subjects among themselves - this is the main feature of the style of postmodernism. This style…


Cab with bonuses: choose a shower stall in the bathroom
Small dimensions and wide functionality - these are the advantages of modern shower enclosures. How among the many options to choose the most suitable model for decorating the shower in…

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All trends: what went in and what came out of the interior fashion
The main trend is massive individualization. Design is not for everyone, but for everyone. Designers reflect on an eclectic interior - the mix of styles and stylistics best expresses the…


lighting on such

African style in the interior

Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is the combination of minimalist interior with rough textured shapes and ethnic decorations of the peoples of Africa. Style can combine the culture of one or several tribes. Continue reading

8 ways to freshen up the interior with plants
Living plants can instantly add life and color to any room. Moreover, ecodesign today is more popular than ever. And home mini-gardens are generally the undisputed trend of recent years.…


Children's furniture-transformer: health of the child first!
According to statistics from recent years, only 3% of graduates leave school completely healthy. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, myopia, fatigue - such diagnoses are now in addition to the certificate. But there…
