Greek style in the interior
The history of the Greek, or rather, the ancient Greek style in the interior and architecture dates back 3 thousand years ago. In those days, the ancient Greeks firmly linked…

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How to create a luxurious atmosphere without having a gold credit card
1. Put a plaster head in a prominent place When we wander through the corridors of the palaces-museums, we are accompanied by steadfast marble views - it seems that sculptures…


Design of living room combined with kitchen: various interior options
No one is surprised by the option of apartments, when several rooms are combined into one. The main advantage of this method is the expansion of space and space saving.…

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How to create a luxurious atmosphere without having a gold credit card
1. Put a plaster head in a prominent place When we wander through the corridors of the palaces-museums, we are accompanied by steadfast marble views - it seems that sculptures…


seashells and pebbles.

Interior + Design
According to the Oxford dictionary, “toxicity” is the most popular word of the outgoing year. Everything unpleasant is connected with it - phenomena, products, people. Life at the speed limit…


All at the entrance: how to equip the hallway and corridor in the apartment
Interesting ideas for the hallway in the apartment When designing and creating the interior of the hallway and the corridor you need to take into account that these places will…
