How to make a three-piece from a dvushka: redevelopment of a 2-room apartment in a new building
We want to share with you the story of two twin apartments. These were two objects clad in concrete, which changed their owners at the repair stage, their status and…

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AI Chain Trader
Style postmodernism in the interior
The rejection of the stereotypical ideas of the classics, with the compatibility of all subjects among themselves - this is the main feature of the style of postmodernism. This style…


Japanese beauty: how to decorate the interior in the style of wabi-sabi
If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and strive for a quiet and serene life, then look at the Japanese style wabi-sabi. SuperDom will tell you what its…

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How to make the kitchen interior in white
The kitchen, made in white style, always looks fresh, stylish, adds a sense of comfort, peace and airiness. The design of the bright kitchen attracts attention and is incredibly practical,…


seashells and pebbles.

Bedroom design
In every home there should be a place where a person can rest, sleep and abstract from the outside world. It is under this description fits bedroom. Here you can…


Proper bedroom for feng shui. And the most common misconceptions
More and more Ukrainians are turning to feng shui experts when building a house, and sometimes these services are not cheap. In order to make money, the Internet has again…
