All trends: what went in and what came out of the interior fashion
The main trend is massive individualization. Design is not for everyone, but for everyone. Designers reflect on an eclectic interior - the mix of styles and stylistics best expresses the…

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Interior features in country style
Interior features in country style Country style is also commonly called country style. It is characterized by a romantic interior, full of warmth and comfort, located outside the passage of…


Making your own balcony: 5 stylish solutions
A stylish and beautiful balcony can easily become a favorite resting place in an apartment. When making a balcony with your own hands, you can use practical interior solutions. Super…

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African style in the interior
Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is…


upholstered furniture

Proper bedroom for feng shui. And the most common misconceptions

More and more Ukrainians are turning to feng shui experts when building a house, and sometimes these services are not cheap. In order to make money, the Internet has again been flooded with “Chinese fakes” – legends about Feng Shui zones, figurines of heroes of Chinese folk tales. The latest innovation is the Feng Shui Christmas Tree.

To find out where is the truth and where is fiction, the editorial staff WANT addressed Vitaly Dyachenko, the author of the book “Skeptical Feng Shui or Work on Errors” and an expert of the Feng Shui Laboratory, which specializes in separating serious Eastern science from the husk. Continue reading

All trends: what went in and what came out of the interior fashion
The main trend is massive individualization. Design is not for everyone, but for everyone. Designers reflect on an eclectic interior - the mix of styles and stylistics best expresses the…


Out of fashion: How yesterday's trends evolve
The abundance of beautiful interiors in the network plays with us a cruel joke - even favorite styles are boring even earlier than it comes to repair. And although we…
