Omer Arbel: Canadian House of Lies
“I don’t share architecture and object design. These are different facets of one creative whole, ”says Omer Arbel about the project of a family home near Vancouver.The path of Omer…

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How to make the interior in the English style
If you like classic decor with charm, character and a breath of luxury, then traditional English is exactly your style. Inheriting the traditions of “English at home”, Tatiana Zaitseva, the…


How to make room for a teenage girl: creative ideas
Teenagers are “creatures” with a subtle psyche. Almost not according to them - they are ready to run away from home, throw scandal from scratch and not talk to you…

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Designer carpet on the floor: a new look at the design of the room
For many centuries, people have been using carpets to give comfort and warming to a room. If from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, only upper-class people…


despite this

8 ways to freshen up the interior with plants

Living plants can instantly add life and color to any room. Moreover, ecodesign today is more popular than ever. And home mini-gardens are generally the undisputed trend of recent years.

Phytodesign is not just the placement of plants around the room. Properly selected flowers and their position in space can improve not only the aesthetics, but also the air quality in the room. Continue reading

Interior + Design

According to the Oxford dictionary, “toxicity” is the most popular word of the outgoing year. Everything unpleasant is connected with it – phenomena, products, people. Life at the speed limit implies a desire to find a “shelter” in the house and digital detox. Own well-being and the environment – new elements of well-being. How does the design industry respond to a query?

Design trends do not change every year, like seasonal fashion shows. This means that everything that you liked so much in 2018 will not cease to be popular in 2019. Continue reading

How to equip a terrace: original ideas
The terrace is one of the most popular vacation spots at the summer cottage. And rightly so, insects practically do not bother, cool, cozy, in nature and almost at home.…


How to choose and what you should pay attention to when designing an office interior?
An office is a place where, if you count, many people spend most of their time. Modern research has shown that the success of a company, its income and success…
