How to create a luxurious atmosphere without having a gold credit card
1. Put a plaster head in a prominent place When we wander through the corridors of the palaces-museums, we are accompanied by steadfast marble views - it seems that sculptures…

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How to make the kitchen interior in white
The kitchen, made in white style, always looks fresh, stylish, adds a sense of comfort, peace and airiness. The design of the bright kitchen attracts attention and is incredibly practical,…


Interior design: fashion trends in 2019
The approach to the design of living space has become very balanced in recent years. Familiarity with global trends has drawn the attention of consumers to convenience, environmental friendliness and…

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Greek style in the interior
The history of the Greek, or rather, the ancient Greek style in the interior and architecture dates back 3 thousand years ago. In those days, the ancient Greeks firmly linked…


ventilation and air conditioning

Ekaterina Fedorova: smart home in the Moscow region

Ekaterina Fedorova designed a house in the village near Moscow. The most complex in the project for the designer was the “space” home theater.When a married couple with a four-year-old child invited Ekaterina Fedorova to decorate the house, the designer did not expect the request to be so amazing and complicated: for the first time she met customers who were so passionate about space themes. “I have a huge folder with materials sent from the client. Before that, I did not watch any of the parts of Star Wars – I had to study this topic in detail. ” Continue reading

How to create a luxurious atmosphere without having a gold credit card
1. Put a plaster head in a prominent place When we wander through the corridors of the palaces-museums, we are accompanied by steadfast marble views - it seems that sculptures…


Back to school: how to organize a workplace student
Properly equip the first workplace for the child is very important. The posture, eyesight and general health of your offspring depends on the right table, chair, lighting and other elements.…
