Out of fashion: How yesterday's trends evolve
The abundance of beautiful interiors in the network plays with us a cruel joke - even favorite styles are boring even earlier than it comes to repair. And although we…

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How to refine the balcony in spring: open the summer season
It just so happened that our balcony is considered to be a utility room where you can store unnecessary trash. Whether it is in Europe, where it has long been…


Bedroom design
In every home there should be a place where a person can rest, sleep and abstract from the outside world. It is under this description fits bedroom. Here you can…

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How to choose and what you should pay attention to when designing an office interior?
An office is a place where, if you count, many people spend most of their time. Modern research has shown that the success of a company, its income and success…


What is shebbi-chic or why is “battered luxury” so popular in the interior?
Design does not stand still - every year interior styles are improved, new images are created, new technologies are used and old directions are mixed. For the past few years,…


How to equip a wardrobe room with your own hands: 7 useful tips
How to equip a dressing room: where to start? To make the wardrobe room as functional as possible, you should think in advance in which room you will be organizing…
