Interior features in country style
Interior features in country style Country style is also commonly called country style. It is characterized by a romantic interior, full of warmth and comfort, located outside the passage of…

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How to make room for a teenage girl: creative ideas
Teenagers are “creatures” with a subtle psyche. Almost not according to them - they are ready to run away from home, throw scandal from scratch and not talk to you…


Cheat codes: 9 tricks from the designer who work
It is clear that you will not solve all design problems in half a day. But if you just need to “shake up” the familiar interior or quickly create comfort…

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Japanese beauty: how to decorate the interior in the style of wabi-sabi
If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and strive for a quiet and serene life, then look at the Japanese style wabi-sabi. SuperDom will tell you what its…


African style in the interior
Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is…


Table set: choosing a computer table for the home
Choosing a computer table: 3 basic types The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a computer desk is its configuration. There are three main types: Corner computer…
