Design of living room combined with kitchen: various interior options
No one is surprised by the option of apartments, when several rooms are combined into one. The main advantage of this method is the expansion of space and space saving.…

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Proper bedroom for feng shui. And the most common misconceptions
More and more Ukrainians are turning to feng shui experts when building a house, and sometimes these services are not cheap. In order to make money, the Internet has again…


Design of living room combined with kitchen: various interior options
No one is surprised by the option of apartments, when several rooms are combined into one. The main advantage of this method is the expansion of space and space saving.…

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African style in the interior
Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is…


irritate the eyes

Interior features in country style
Interior features in country style Country style is also commonly called country style. It is characterized by a romantic interior, full of warmth and comfort, located outside the passage of…


Unusual ceiling chandeliers: TOP – 10 of the most original lamps
The most stylish designer ceiling lamps Original ceiling chandeliers and lamps can be a stylish accent in the interior of any room. Sometimes it is enough to replace the ceiling…
