What is the Russian style in the interior?
What is the Russian style in the interior? The direction harmoniously combined the elements of paganism and Christianity, the influence of the West and the East. The second name of…

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Everything you wanted to know about trends in interior design: an interview with the founders of Brick-Brot Studio
It is necessary to approach interior design with full responsibility, because every detail matters. The editors WANT is interested in trends in this direction. On the Internet there are a…


Experimental estate on the project Totan Kuzembaeva
Klaugu Muiza Manor for the family of Peter Aven - a pilot project of Totan Kuzembaev Architectural Workshop on the shores of two Latvian lakes.One of the most distinctive Russian…

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How to refine the balcony in spring: open the summer season
It just so happened that our balcony is considered to be a utility room where you can store unnecessary trash. Whether it is in Europe, where it has long been…


countries banning plastic

Interior + Design

According to the Oxford dictionary, “toxicity” is the most popular word of the outgoing year. Everything unpleasant is connected with it – phenomena, products, people. Life at the speed limit implies a desire to find a “shelter” in the house and digital detox. Own well-being and the environment – new elements of well-being. How does the design industry respond to a query?

Design trends do not change every year, like seasonal fashion shows. This means that everything that you liked so much in 2018 will not cease to be popular in 2019. Continue reading

Back to school: how to organize a workplace student
Properly equip the first workplace for the child is very important. The posture, eyesight and general health of your offspring depends on the right table, chair, lighting and other elements.…


African style in the interior
Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is…
