Interior design: fashion trends in 2019
The approach to the design of living space has become very balanced in recent years. Familiarity with global trends has drawn the attention of consumers to convenience, environmental friendliness and…

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How to equip a terrace: original ideas
The terrace is one of the most popular vacation spots at the summer cottage. And rightly so, insects practically do not bother, cool, cozy, in nature and almost at home.…


Design of living room combined with kitchen: various interior options
No one is surprised by the option of apartments, when several rooms are combined into one. The main advantage of this method is the expansion of space and space saving.…

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Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…


drink coffee

How to refine the balcony in spring: open the summer season

It just so happened that our balcony is considered to be a utility room where you can store unnecessary trash. Whether it is in Europe, where it has long been equipped in a comfortable room for gatherings with family and friends. And what prevents us from leaving the good old traditions and turning the balcony or loggia into a stylish room for various needs? That’s right, laziness and unwillingness to think creatively.

The answer suggests itself – free the balcony space from things, sorting them into necessary and unnecessary (we assure you, there will be much more unnecessary). Continue reading

What is the Russian style in the interior?
What is the Russian style in the interior? The direction harmoniously combined the elements of paganism and Christianity, the influence of the West and the East. The second name of…


Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…
