Ekaterina Fedorova: smart home in the Moscow region
Ekaterina Fedorova designed a house in the village near Moscow. The most complex in the project for the designer was the "space" home theater.When a married couple with a four-year-old…

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African style in the interior
Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is…


Back to school: how to organize a workplace student
Properly equip the first workplace for the child is very important. The posture, eyesight and general health of your offspring depends on the right table, chair, lighting and other elements.…

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8 ways to freshen up the interior with plants
Living plants can instantly add life and color to any room. Moreover, ecodesign today is more popular than ever. And home mini-gardens are generally the undisputed trend of recent years.…


street panorama

How to refine the balcony in spring: open the summer season

It just so happened that our balcony is considered to be a utility room where you can store unnecessary trash. Whether it is in Europe, where it has long been equipped in a comfortable room for gatherings with family and friends. And what prevents us from leaving the good old traditions and turning the balcony or loggia into a stylish room for various needs? That’s right, laziness and unwillingness to think creatively.

The answer suggests itself – free the balcony space from things, sorting them into necessary and unnecessary (we assure you, there will be much more unnecessary). Continue reading

Furniture for the smallest: how to choose the playpen in the nursery
The playpen is an essential attribute of the interior of a room for a small child. SuperDom will tell you how to choose the playpen in the nursery. How to…


Omer Arbel: Canadian House of Lies
“I don’t share architecture and object design. These are different facets of one creative whole, ”says Omer Arbel about the project of a family home near Vancouver.The path of Omer…
