Out of fashion: How yesterday's trends evolve
The abundance of beautiful interiors in the network plays with us a cruel joke - even favorite styles are boring even earlier than it comes to repair. And although we…

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8 ways to freshen up the interior with plants
Living plants can instantly add life and color to any room. Moreover, ecodesign today is more popular than ever. And home mini-gardens are generally the undisputed trend of recent years.…


Ekaterina Fedorova: smart home in the Moscow region
Ekaterina Fedorova designed a house in the village near Moscow. The most complex in the project for the designer was the "space" home theater.When a married couple with a four-year-old…

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Interior features in country style
Interior features in country style Country style is also commonly called country style. It is characterized by a romantic interior, full of warmth and comfort, located outside the passage of…


abinet can be mirrored

What is the Russian style in the interior?
What is the Russian style in the interior? The direction harmoniously combined the elements of paganism and Christianity, the influence of the West and the East. The second name of…


Cab with bonuses: choose a shower stall in the bathroom
Small dimensions and wide functionality - these are the advantages of modern shower enclosures. How among the many options to choose the most suitable model for decorating the shower in…
