Style postmodernism in the interior
The rejection of the stereotypical ideas of the classics, with the compatibility of all subjects among themselves - this is the main feature of the style of postmodernism. This style…

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How to make room for a teenage girl: creative ideas
Teenagers are “creatures” with a subtle psyche. Almost not according to them - they are ready to run away from home, throw scandal from scratch and not talk to you…


Ekaterina Fedorova: smart home in the Moscow region
Ekaterina Fedorova designed a house in the village near Moscow. The most complex in the project for the designer was the "space" home theater.When a married couple with a four-year-old…

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What is the Russian style in the interior?
What is the Russian style in the interior? The direction harmoniously combined the elements of paganism and Christianity, the influence of the West and the East. The second name of…


busy metropolis

Cat House: how to organize the perfect interior for cat lovers
If there is a cat in the apartment, the owners have to take into account the needs of the four-legged friend. If you are an avid cat owner, do not…


Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…
