How to equip a terrace: original ideas
The terrace is one of the most popular vacation spots at the summer cottage. And rightly so, insects practically do not bother, cool, cozy, in nature and almost at home.…

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All trends: what went in and what came out of the interior fashion
The main trend is massive individualization. Design is not for everyone, but for everyone. Designers reflect on an eclectic interior - the mix of styles and stylistics best expresses the…


All trends: what went in and what came out of the interior fashion
The main trend is massive individualization. Design is not for everyone, but for everyone. Designers reflect on an eclectic interior - the mix of styles and stylistics best expresses the…

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Cheat codes: 9 tricks from the designer who work
It is clear that you will not solve all design problems in half a day. But if you just need to “shake up” the familiar interior or quickly create comfort…


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Question: Why “no” is the best characteristic of the interior

This article is for the average person. The one who, most likely, makes repairs for as long as possible with the thought that he will live first with a minimum of things. And then gradually buy the missing situation or replace the current items with the best.

It is in such cases, my interior approach support. I have been practicing it for many years: in the interiors of my clients and, of course, in my own apartment. Continue reading

Subtle and elegant: 10 signs that the designer worked on the interior
The reason to write this article was the story that recently happened to me. I was visiting friends when a neighbor visited them. When she learned that I was a…


"Survival Rules": how to choose the right window
Instead of new windows - installed second-hand! Such stories often happen to buyers of plastic windows. The host of the “Rules of Survival” program on Inter TV channel Vera Borsuk…
