Cab with bonuses: choose a shower stall in the bathroom
Small dimensions and wide functionality - these are the advantages of modern shower enclosures. How among the many options to choose the most suitable model for decorating the shower in…

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How to refine the balcony in spring: open the summer season
It just so happened that our balcony is considered to be a utility room where you can store unnecessary trash. Whether it is in Europe, where it has long been…


"Survival Rules": how to choose the right window
Instead of new windows - installed second-hand! Such stories often happen to buyers of plastic windows. The host of the “Rules of Survival” program on Inter TV channel Vera Borsuk…

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What is shebbi-chic or why is “battered luxury” so popular in the interior?
Design does not stand still - every year interior styles are improved, new images are created, new technologies are used and old directions are mixed. For the past few years,…


mechanical loads.

Question: Why “no” is the best characteristic of the interior

This article is for the average person. The one who, most likely, makes repairs for as long as possible with the thought that he will live first with a minimum of things. And then gradually buy the missing situation or replace the current items with the best.

It is in such cases, my interior approach support. I have been practicing it for many years: in the interiors of my clients and, of course, in my own apartment. Continue reading

Making your own balcony: 5 stylish solutions

A stylish and beautiful balcony can easily become a favorite resting place in an apartment. When making a balcony with your own hands, you can use practical interior solutions. Super House will tell you how to make a study or lounge area from the balcony and loggia.
Do-it-yourself balcony decoration: preparatory work
Provided that your balcony is already glazed and completely isolated from the outside world, you can safely skip this item. If not, start with glazing. It is recommended to install new windows, and not try to patch the countless cracks in the old wooden frame. Continue reading

Question: Why "no" is the best characteristic of the interior
This article is for the average person. The one who, most likely, makes repairs for as long as possible with the thought that he will live first with a minimum…


Japanese beauty: how to decorate the interior in the style of wabi-sabi
If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and strive for a quiet and serene life, then look at the Japanese style wabi-sabi. SuperDom will tell you what its…
