Question: Why "no" is the best characteristic of the interior
This article is for the average person. The one who, most likely, makes repairs for as long as possible with the thought that he will live first with a minimum…

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8 ways to freshen up the interior with plants
Living plants can instantly add life and color to any room. Moreover, ecodesign today is more popular than ever. And home mini-gardens are generally the undisputed trend of recent years.…


Greek style in the interior
The history of the Greek, or rather, the ancient Greek style in the interior and architecture dates back 3 thousand years ago. In those days, the ancient Greeks firmly linked…

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Back to school: how to organize a workplace student
Properly equip the first workplace for the child is very important. The posture, eyesight and general health of your offspring depends on the right table, chair, lighting and other elements.…


floor option

African style in the interior

Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is the combination of minimalist interior with rough textured shapes and ethnic decorations of the peoples of Africa. Style can combine the culture of one or several tribes. Continue reading

Cat House: how to organize the perfect interior for cat lovers
If there is a cat in the apartment, the owners have to take into account the needs of the four-legged friend. If you are an avid cat owner, do not…


How to choose and what you should pay attention to when designing an office interior?
An office is a place where, if you count, many people spend most of their time. Modern research has shown that the success of a company, its income and success…
