Cat House: how to organize the perfect interior for cat lovers
If there is a cat in the apartment, the owners have to take into account the needs of the four-legged friend. If you are an avid cat owner, do not…

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"Survival Rules": how to choose the right window
Instead of new windows - installed second-hand! Such stories often happen to buyers of plastic windows. The host of the “Rules of Survival” program on Inter TV channel Vera Borsuk…


Cat House: how to organize the perfect interior for cat lovers
If there is a cat in the apartment, the owners have to take into account the needs of the four-legged friend. If you are an avid cat owner, do not…

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Bedroom design
In every home there should be a place where a person can rest, sleep and abstract from the outside world. It is under this description fits bedroom. Here you can…


absolutely stunning

Experimental estate on the project Totan Kuzembaeva

Klaugu Muiza Manor for the family of Peter Aven – a pilot project of Totan Kuzembaev Architectural Workshop on the shores of two Latvian lakes.One of the most distinctive Russian architects, Totan Kuzembaev, implemented a project in Latvia that is amazing in scope. Based on the well-established typology of the estate, the master performed it in new forms. Several buildings are connected in a complex composition, the surrounding landscape – its full, and possibly the main participant. Continue reading

"Survival Rules": how to choose the right window
Instead of new windows - installed second-hand! Such stories often happen to buyers of plastic windows. The host of the “Rules of Survival” program on Inter TV channel Vera Borsuk…


Furniture for the smallest: how to choose the playpen in the nursery
The playpen is an essential attribute of the interior of a room for a small child. SuperDom will tell you how to choose the playpen in the nursery. How to…
