Design of living room combined with kitchen: various interior options
No one is surprised by the option of apartments, when several rooms are combined into one. The main advantage of this method is the expansion of space and space saving.…

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Subtle and elegant: 10 signs that the designer worked on the interior
The reason to write this article was the story that recently happened to me. I was visiting friends when a neighbor visited them. When she learned that I was a…


How to make the interior in the English style
If you like classic decor with charm, character and a breath of luxury, then traditional English is exactly your style. Inheriting the traditions of “English at home”, Tatiana Zaitseva, the…

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Cab with bonuses: choose a shower stall in the bathroom
Small dimensions and wide functionality - these are the advantages of modern shower enclosures. How among the many options to choose the most suitable model for decorating the shower in…


forget about

Making your own balcony: 5 stylish solutions

A stylish and beautiful balcony can easily become a favorite resting place in an apartment. When making a balcony with your own hands, you can use practical interior solutions. Super House will tell you how to make a study or lounge area from the balcony and loggia.
Do-it-yourself balcony decoration: preparatory work
Provided that your balcony is already glazed and completely isolated from the outside world, you can safely skip this item. If not, start with glazing. It is recommended to install new windows, and not try to patch the countless cracks in the old wooden frame. Continue reading

Design of the corridor in the apartment: 6 simple rules

If you are the owner of a small apartment of the old sample, then with the design of the corridor you may have problems because of its more than modest size. And even in the case when you are lucky with the dimensions of the corridor, you will not be overly aware of a number of rules on the decoration and design of the corridor in the apartment. Continue reading

What is shebbi-chic or why is “battered luxury” so popular in the interior?
Design does not stand still - every year interior styles are improved, new images are created, new technologies are used and old directions are mixed. For the past few years,…


Cheat codes: 9 tricks from the designer who work
It is clear that you will not solve all design problems in half a day. But if you just need to “shake up” the familiar interior or quickly create comfort…
