How to equip a terrace: original ideas
The terrace is one of the most popular vacation spots at the summer cottage. And rightly so, insects practically do not bother, cool, cozy, in nature and almost at home.…

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Experimental estate on the project Totan Kuzembaeva
Klaugu Muiza Manor for the family of Peter Aven - a pilot project of Totan Kuzembaev Architectural Workshop on the shores of two Latvian lakes.One of the most distinctive Russian…


Out of fashion: How yesterday's trends evolve
The abundance of beautiful interiors in the network plays with us a cruel joke - even favorite styles are boring even earlier than it comes to repair. And although we…

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How to create a luxurious atmosphere without having a gold credit card
1. Put a plaster head in a prominent place When we wander through the corridors of the palaces-museums, we are accompanied by steadfast marble views - it seems that sculptures…


were popular.

What is the Russian style in the interior?
What is the Russian style in the interior? The direction harmoniously combined the elements of paganism and Christianity, the influence of the West and the East. The second name of…


What is shebbi-chic or why is “battered luxury” so popular in the interior?
Design does not stand still - every year interior styles are improved, new images are created, new technologies are used and old directions are mixed. For the past few years,…
