Designer carpet on the floor: a new look at the design of the room
For many centuries, people have been using carpets to give comfort and warming to a room. If from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, only upper-class people…

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Cheat codes: 9 tricks from the designer who work
It is clear that you will not solve all design problems in half a day. But if you just need to “shake up” the familiar interior or quickly create comfort…


Japanese beauty: how to decorate the interior in the style of wabi-sabi
If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and strive for a quiet and serene life, then look at the Japanese style wabi-sabi. SuperDom will tell you what its…

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Question: Why "no" is the best characteristic of the interior
This article is for the average person. The one who, most likely, makes repairs for as long as possible with the thought that he will live first with a minimum…


common name greige

Interior + Design
According to the Oxford dictionary, “toxicity” is the most popular word of the outgoing year. Everything unpleasant is connected with it - phenomena, products, people. Life at the speed limit…


Out of fashion: How yesterday's trends evolve
The abundance of beautiful interiors in the network plays with us a cruel joke - even favorite styles are boring even earlier than it comes to repair. And although we…
