Style postmodernism in the interior
The rejection of the stereotypical ideas of the classics, with the compatibility of all subjects among themselves - this is the main feature of the style of postmodernism. This style…

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Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…


Main trends of the Milan exhibition
Traditionally, the Milan furniture salon collects in this world-famous city with its fashionable events the most diverse public. Among the visitors of the exhibition one can meet both eminent designers,…

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Children's furniture-transformer: health of the child first!
According to statistics from recent years, only 3% of graduates leave school completely healthy. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, myopia, fatigue - such diagnoses are now in addition to the certificate. But there…


furniture and dec

African style in the interior

Of the large family of ethnic trends, the African interior style is the most exotic and primitive, besides this, it is perfect for lovers of eco-design. Its distinctive feature is the combination of minimalist interior with rough textured shapes and ethnic decorations of the peoples of Africa. Style can combine the culture of one or several tribes. Continue reading

Apartment in the studio: features of the arrangement of the studio apartment
In modern apartments, walls and partitions are increasingly disappearing as unnecessary, giving way to a free layout. SuperHouse will tell you what a studio apartment is and what pitfalls await…


How to make the kitchen interior in white
The kitchen, made in white style, always looks fresh, stylish, adds a sense of comfort, peace and airiness. The design of the bright kitchen attracts attention and is incredibly practical,…
