Style postmodernism in the interior
The rejection of the stereotypical ideas of the classics, with the compatibility of all subjects among themselves - this is the main feature of the style of postmodernism. This style…

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Cat House: how to organize the perfect interior for cat lovers
If there is a cat in the apartment, the owners have to take into account the needs of the four-legged friend. If you are an avid cat owner, do not…


Interior design: fashion trends in 2019
The approach to the design of living space has become very balanced in recent years. Familiarity with global trends has drawn the attention of consumers to convenience, environmental friendliness and…

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Designer carpet on the floor: a new look at the design of the room
For many centuries, people have been using carpets to give comfort and warming to a room. If from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, only upper-class people…


luxurious texture – velvet

What is shebbi-chic or why is “battered luxury” so popular in the interior?
Design does not stand still - every year interior styles are improved, new images are created, new technologies are used and old directions are mixed. For the past few years,…


How to create a luxurious atmosphere without having a gold credit card
1. Put a plaster head in a prominent place When we wander through the corridors of the palaces-museums, we are accompanied by steadfast marble views - it seems that sculptures…
